Welcome to the Young Adult wing...
Pinner is one of a number of Sai Centres and Groups in North-West London, Berkshire
and Buckinghamshire.
Our Region organises regular activities to empower our Young Adults and to allow
for strong positive role enforcement of spiritual values. This includes:
- Regular Study circles, usually once a quarter
- Participation in young adult Devotional music programmes
- Assisting with the planning and organising of Regional Events, such as our Regional
Walk in Health Awareness Clinics
Additionally, at Centre Level we encourage our young adults to support us in:
- Setting up the hall for our weekly meetings
- Regular Service Activities, such as our monthly food run for homeless people
- Teaching and assisting is SSE classes
- Participating in our weekly Group Devotional Singing meetings and practices
Additionally we encourage our young adults to actively shadow our leadership team
to help them understand how we put Sai principles into practice.