Welcome to the Spiritual wing...
Group Devotional Singing (Bhajans).
"Sing aloud the glory of God and charge the atmosphere with divine adoration...
This is why I insist on group singing of the names of the Lord ."
~ Sathya Sai
Group Devotional Singing (bhajans) takes place on Sunday mornings: 09:30hrs – 10:40hrs.
Please aim to arrive and be seated by 9.20hrs
Group singing can be listened here
If you're a budding singer or an experienced singer, you can learn a lot from Bhajan Tutor here
If you're a budding vedam chanter or an experienced vedam chanter, you can learn a lot from Vedam Tutor here
Singing Practice
Whether you are an instrumentalist, a lead singer, or just would like to support, you are welcome to come and join our practices to get ready for our Sunday morning meetings.
Bhajan Practices are held at the centre each Sunday, straight after the Bhajans between 10.40 to 11.30 AM.
Study Circle
Study Circle is all about individual transformation through study and reflection
with like minded others. Sai Baba taught that the goal of life cannot be achieved by
reading books alone:
"Not information but transformation, not instruction, but construction should be
the aim. Theoretical knowledge is a burden unless it is practical, for then it can
be lightened with wisdom and assimilated into daily life."
Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 9, p56
"Study circles are an integral part of all Sai Centre and Group activities. These
are not forums for debate and controversies, but training ground for a number of
important communication and listening skills, in gaining self confidence, in fostering
values, in cooperation, in turning knowledge into wisdom and clarifying our spiritual
Study Circle takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month between 8 PM and 9 PM over the zoom session